With Jaejoong
( 1 hour after this episode )
Jaejoong walks back to the set only to see Hyunki grinning like an idiot . Jaejoong rolls his eyes and start to pick up his belongings .
Hyunki : ( tahan lengan Jaejoong ) Wait! I can explain!
Jaejoong : ( tolak Hyunki ) Explain to me what?! Yang kau sengaja ajak Yong Hwa join sama tour aku supaya kau boleh sakitkan hati aku?!Supaya kau boleh kutip untung lebih sebab fans aku semua tau aku benci Yong Hwa?!
Hyunki : Stop It Jae! It was a mistake okay ! Aku tak tahu okay yang kau bermusuh dengan Yong Hwa sehinggalah manager Yong Hwa bagitahu aku sendiri
Jaejoong : ( shake his head ; look at Hyunki disgustingly ; walk away )
Hyunki : (smirk ; sit on the nearest bench)
Hyunki POV
(LOL pertama kali mamat watak sampingan nie ada POV sendiri)
Heh , stupid Dude . kalau dia percaya dengan alasan aku , HAHA , he's the most stupid person on earth lah kan .
(Flashback 2 months earlier)
Hyunki : Come on , you gotta help me destroy him!
(1) : And why should I?
Hyunki : Because . . . because . . . uhh . .
(1) : Exactly .
Hyunki : I dont know why okay , but you gotta help me!
(1) : Once again , why ? Why Hyunki? Why? Why should I help you destroying Jaejoong?Why?
Hyunki : (shrugs) Because . . .
(2) : Because (patted (1)'s shoulder) he once stole your girlfriend . Dah lupa ke Yong Hwa?
Yong Hwa : (tersentak) How do you know that Dean?
Dean ( Yong Hwa's Manager ) : Im your manager , what do you expect? heh . ( smirk)
Hyunki : So , help me?Together , we'll destroy his career and him .
Dean : Yup , aku tau , selama nie kau memang nak revenge pun kan?
Yong Hwa : ( teringat segala suffer yang dia lalui sepanjang kehilangan HyoJoo ; ketap gigi ) Count me in .
Hyunki&Dean : (pandang sama sendiri ; smirk)
Hyunki : great . here's the plan ( bisik "the plan" kat Dean and Yong Hwa)
End Of Flashback
Hyunki's POV
Revenge gonna be so sweet Jae . Believe me , your gonna suffer all the pain you cause me all this long . You'll pay for it . Hutang darah dengan darah , Hutang Nyawa dengan nyawa Jae . (evil laugh)
Crew Set : (looking at him weridly) Kau okay Hyunki?
Hyunki : (hissed at the crew)
Crew Set : (walks away fast)
Hyunki : (smirk)
With Jaejoong
Oleh disebabkan terlampau kecewa dengan keputusan si Hyunki Jaejoong telah drove away ke sebuah lereng bukit yang practically you can see the whole Seoul from up above there . Dia keluar daripada kereta dia dan duduk di tepi lereng bukit cuba mengurangkan segala stress.
Jaejoong : (sigh)
Mystery Girl : Hey .
Jaejoong : What are you doing here?(terkejut)
Mystery Girl : I figure you might wanna some advice .
Jaejoong : I dont know you but . yeah .(sigh ; pandang ke depan) Aku dah buntu .
Mystery Girl : (duduk sebelah Jae) So what's bugging you ?
Jaejoong : (sigh)
Jaejoong ceritakan everything kepada Mystery Girl , daripada saat dia kenal hyo joo sehinggalah kemunculan semula Yong Hwa sebentar tadi .
Mystery Girl : Trust me , everythings happens for a reason okay . Be tough . Be strong . (starts to bangun and walk away)
Jaejoong : (senyum) Eh wait ,
Mystery Girl : (toleh ke belakang ; slightly smile) yeah?
Jaejoong : What's Your name . i've never get the chance to know you.
Mystery Girl : (about to say something)
In Reality
Jaejoong's POV
Polis : (knock on Jae's window) You okay sir?
Jaejoong : (gosok mata) Yeah2 . (start to drive away)
Ughh , what?it was only just a dream?Ugh , mystery girl , who are you?
a/n : incase kau tak faham , Jaejoong mimpi je . Dia terlelap dalam kereta bila dah sampai kat lereng bukit tu . Mystery girl tu sila rujuk episode 17
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