Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaksIt's timeI don't know about youBut I'm feeling 22Everything will be alrightIf you keep me next to you
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yay for twin sister turning 22 |
btw , bila kau nak tengok Legend of The Blue Sea weh? I kenot lah squel alone T^T
Same as the past years , my wishes still havent change.
Aku nak bestfriend aku ada setiap detik detik bersejarah bakal aku tempuhi .
And also im hoping you will include me in yours as well . It would mean the world if you do :D
But as time flies , I know sometimes I cant always be there for you . I mean physically
However , I hope you wont forget that I will always available for you spiritually and also via texts , calls , social medias and whatsapp whatsoever .
To be honest , every year aku risau kalau kalau kau dah jumpa bestfriend baru and you will soon forget me .
Walaupun kau dah ade ramai sisters and bestfriends baru , I do hope I am still one of yr sisters .
Lets not have the 'We Dont Talk Anymore' kind of situation.
But just know that I am 'One Call Away' if you need me . Always .
Kau pun tau kan , I have this whole planning for the future .
Engagement , Marriage , kids , living .....
Frankly , aku rasa macam aku tak sedia lagi .
Aku rasa macam aku tak achieve banyak lagi untuk aku settle down for good.
But at the same time , aku rasa macam aku dah ready ....
hahahaha , i know gila confusing .
Tapi yang bestnya , aku suka bila kau layan meroyan aku tiap kali aku ada relationship problems .
Walaupun aku rasa macam aku yang guilty bila gaduh , kau selalu sokong aku .
Jadi personal cheerleader aku , yang cheer aku tak kisah betul ke salah ke semua kau taram .
Kadang kadang aku rasa macam "Eh Eh meni nie , sesat betul nasihat dia"
Tapi yang sesat tulah yang aku ikut .
Thank you Meni , for always supporting me .
Even sometimes aku rasa macam nak give up kau akan slow talk suruh aku work things out .
Thank you sister .
This year aku still the first one to wish you .
Oh how happy I was being able to be the first one .
Its the least I can do to show that you are one of the most important person in my life -- in non lesbian way ofcourse .
Tak kisah lepastu kawan kawan kau nak celebrate kau guling kau dalam tepung lepastu celup telur goreng dalam minyak panas sekalipun ,
At least aku first .
Mianhe , sepanjang -- 5 to 6 years nie aku mampu wish via texts and wrote you this long bebel/wish on the blog je .
In shaa Allah , doakan aku berjaya murah rezeki , so that next year I can actually attend your birthday physically .
It has always been my secret wish upon a star.
Nak celebrate birthday kita sesama potong kek sesama , stuff our face with tons of food .
and able to at least give you something so that you'll remember me more .
In shaa Allah , someday .
Tiap kali aku menaip untuk kau dalam blog nie mesti aku rasa macam aku tengah taip untuk boyfriend/ bakal suami aku .
Apparently , I care more about you than my own boyfriend .
Meni ,
Kuat okay untuk tahun ni.
Stay strong .
Kuat untuk redah segala cabaran mendatang .
Tak kira lah cabaran dari segi studies , kehidupan or love life ,
kau kena kuat .
Aku tau kadang kadang ade benda yang kau rasa macam nak terjun bangunan ,
Tapi ingat kalau kau terjun bangunan , anak anak aku nanti takkan ade kesempatan nak kenal dengan auntie/mama Amni dorang .
Lagipun kau taknak kan kubur kau banjir :P
On more serious note ,
Please , survive this life even its killing your soul day by day .
Sebab , kalau kau give up , kau akan buat aku rasa fail as your friend .
Because I am supposed to be your -- YOUR -- cheerleader .
Walaupun banyak nasihat sesat -- sesesat nasihat kau -- yang aku bagi , I still root for you , each and everyday .
I mean it bila aku cakap ,
aku nak kita still rapat bila aku dah kahwin dah beranak pinak bercucu cicit .
So that I can tell my anak cucu cicit about the stories , How I Met Your Aunt Meni .
Fuhh macam tajuk blockbuster doe.
hahaha .
Macam mana rapat kita kat sekolah dulu ,
aku harap kita akan rapat sampai bila bila .
Bagi aku , you are the only twin sister that I have .
You are the only true bestfriend that I know I can trust in everything .
Yang aku boleh cerita macam macam tanpa tapis ,
Because I know you wont simply judge me .
Kalau kau judge sekalipun , I wont be hurt because it was YOU who judge me .
Sebab kau kenal aku macam mana , aku siapa .
So you have earn the right to judge when I make stupid silly decisions or I make some 'pergh biar betul ' moves .
Dari kau je yang aku boleh terima bulat bulat nasihat -- termasuk lah nasihat sesat -- kata kata semangat , carutanz uncencored , kutukan , perlian , sarcasm , puji pujian .
Because you are that special person in my life .
You are my best friend forever .
And I dont want anyone else .
I would SHARE MY FOOD with you -- kau special tahap nie okay .
Bukan semua layak rasa makanan aku .
So ,
Cheers for another 70 years of friendship okay .
Happy Birthday Nur Amni .
Saranghae <3
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Pibedayy gurlll , semoga kau juga akan setinggi giraffe tu |
Btw , I found this one quote in Facebook
Aku rasa kita dah banyak berubah .
Dari 2 mata dah 4 mata
Zaman bawal ke zaman shawl -- kau lah . aku #teambawal
Yang sama cuma ...
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Happy Birthday Nur Amni anak kepada Pakcik Marzukhi! I love you Sister! For infinity years <3 |